Grill, grilling, grilled…

I love my gfs. They love me very much… or rather, they are always VERY concerned about my love life. Or lack of it…. first, there’s level 30. Which, by the way.. has been MONTHS since I last saw him. Do they let me forget? Noooooooooo….. in their somewhat warped mind, any potential is a potential.

Rule of thumb is: as long as he has a pulse….

Had a little impromtu dinner date (“Date” being a loosely used term of cos) with a colleague last friday after work… and I totally regretted admitting to the twin that it was a secret date. Technically, I wasn’t incorrect. It was secret cos we kept it private (ie, didn’t let the other colleagues know lest they misunderstand or gossip or bitch about it.).

And because I said, I’ve yet to try the grilled fish in Beijing… he brought me to the famous food stretch known as 簋街 (Read: Gui Jie) – also loosely called Ghost Street.

Here’s the picture.

the food and etc…

So while I was waiting for grilled fish, while I was eating grilled fish (which by the way is REALLY GOOD!!!)… I was being grilled at the same time.

At some point, colleague said to me, “Can you please don’t text?”

Twin says “Wah! so fast possessive already?” when i conveyed message.

I am obviously completely amused by everything… Not forgetting Aple even wanted to “ask her a tough question!”… an “open brief” according to twin.

*shakes head*… these girls. I should be thankful the whole group is not together!!! If not, the tough questions will really be shot at a rapid fire pace.

To be completely honest, in retrospect… even IF there was any potential (there’s NONE). My constant distracted look and the constant phone poking would have ruined everything.

Whose fault?? :p

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